When You Realize That You Have Only One Life to Live

Published: November 26, 2024 Category: Life Lessons Written By: Tarak Ram

When You Realize That You Have Only One Life to Live

The Importance of Health

One of the important lessons that I’ve learned recently is about “Life.” Anything can wait, but your health won’t, so take care of your body.
It’s the only place that you have to live.

Read it again: Take care of your body. It’s the only place that you have to live.

A Visit to the Cancer Hospital

Recently, I went to the Cancer Hospital for some reason, and I saw a lot of people who had cancer. Some were crying, some had no idea what was going on, some were worried, and some were joyful. It was a strange experience for me.

One thing I can’t remove from my mind is I saw a kid who was about 11-13 years old. The doctors had removed her hair, and she was upset, crying, and hugging her father. I still remember that visual, and it’s really hard to forget. I don’t know why this happened to these kids who hadn’t even lived much of their lives. I had a feeling that this was why God was so harsh on them.

The Realization

After seeing those visuals in the hospital, my mind completely opened up. No matter how much money you have, if you don’t have good health, then it’s all a waste.

Think of this:

You have millions of dollars, but you can’t eat whatever you want, you can’t walk for some distance, and you always feel ill. Personally, I don’t think you’ll be happy. Everyone says money is important, and I truly agree with that, but after a certain stage, health is the most important thing.
As I said before:
Take care of your body. It’s the only place that you have to live.

Living a Happy Life

We don’t know when we are going to die, but as long as we live on this earth, we should live a happy life.

This is a quote that I really love reading every day. My father always said:

“You will never hear anyone on their deathbed say, ‘I wish I had worked more.’”

Personally, this quote hits me harder than anything. Back then, I used to sleep at 2 AM or 3 AM every day because of work, but nowadays, I give more priority to my health. I’m getting enough sleep and eating healthy food.

The Hard Truth

One thing I want to say is that one day, you will realize that you wish you hadn’t worked so hard.

Don’t make your life so hard; keep it simple and easy.

I know most people won’t read this, but there is a small hope in me that even one person can read this and it might be helpful in their life. That’s enough for me.

Thanks. :)

Btw, take care of your health.