One of the best Week...

Tarak Ram

July 8, 2024

Hey Friends, How are you?

This week is one of the best weeks so far this year when it comes to my personal life; I was pondering questions like:

  • Why am I here?
  • What’s the point of earning more money if I’m not enjoying it?
  • Do I really need more money?
  • Why am I not spending more time with my family?
  • Why am I making things hard instead of keeping them simple?

I had these kinds of questions all week.

I think people rarely think like this—why am I here, and what’s the point of doing the work? Does it really make an impact on me? Once you ask these questions, you gain more clarity. Once you have clarity, it’s easier to work on the things that truly matter to you.

Most people work for money, no matter what the work is. I agree that money is important, but if you have only money without happiness and good health, then what’s the point of having a lot of money?

I had this question one day: what would I do if I had a lot of money in my bank? I would mostly travel, explore the world, meet new people, experience new cultures, and embrace everything.

To be honest, I don’t want crores of rupees in my bank, and I don’t want to act like an official, wearing suits, managing a team. I don’t really like it. I love being in villages, surrounded by nature, doing the things I can from my space, and spending time with people close to me—that makes me happy.

It always depends on the person. Some chase money, some chase purpose, happiness, or even death. Everyone has their own perspective. If I say I love nature and spending time in forests, that’s not true for everyone. Some people love parties, pubs, movies, etc. It all depends on the person, and no one should judge. Just ask yourself: Are you happy doing what you’re doing right now? If yes, then move forward.

This week, I focused more on the present moment, and I really enjoyed it. I know I have many problems in my head, but everyone does, and it’s our job to fix them.

I don’t know when, but one day I’ll buy a car, modify it into a long-tour van with all the facilities, and just travel and explore. For sure, I’ll do that.

Highlights of this week 💫

  • This week itself was a highlight!
  • I watched the Charlie movie, and it made me feel the need to travel and explore the world.
  • Got a few qualified leads who are really good.
  • Did a podcast.
  • Felt more peaceful and enjoyed the moments.
  • This newsletter has become a reflection of my weeks.

Learnings of the Week 🌱

I write a diary every day, and now this newsletter has become the same. Since I really don’t care who reads this, for me, this newsletter is self-reflection.

I can genuinely look back at the week, and it helps me plan and make changes for the future.

I’m putting here all the learnings, mistakes, plans, and things that felt good—it’s like a public diary for me. I really enjoy writing this. It takes 3–4 hours, but I don’t care because I love it.

When I started an in-hand business, I thought the competition was too high and it was hard. Yeah, it is hard, but it’s doable.

See, it’s simple if you shift your focus. Let’s say you want to call 600 leads every month or get 20 clients every month.

  • Remove Sundays, and you have 26 days.
  • Call 24 people in just 2 hours every day.
  • You reach 600 leads in a month.

When you break it down into daily tasks instead of stressing about the big number, everything becomes clear.

I don’t really believe in motivation because it doesn’t last long. One interesting thing is I didn’t set New Year’s resolutions this year. The only goal: Be consistent and improve from last year.

I’ll take breaks, enjoy, work hard, earn money, go on tours, do parties, play with friends, and find a girlfriend. I want to do the things I love to do.

Wow, I love this quote—I never heard it before, and it just came to me now: “I want to do the things that I love to do.”

I feel like I became so busy that I don’t even call my friends. But that’s not true. I have time, but I don’t know why I’m not making the effort. I should improve on this.

This week, I did a podcast with Pavan, who is doing a job while running a startup. We had a great conversation about money, career, education, love, scams, mindset, and more. I hope it helps a few people.

Random Thoughts 🫠

I want you to be honest with yourself:

What would you do if you had all the money in the world in your bank account?

Do reply if you are serious →

If I had all the money in the world, I would definitely travel and explore.

To be honest, I don’t have a perfect answer. Maybe I’d buy some materialistic things, visit the Northern Lights, and stay there for a while. My focus would be more on travel and exploration rather than acquiring things.

I don’t know how my thoughts might change in the future—especially if I get married. But for now, at this age, this is how I feel.

Person of the Week 👤

This week’s Person of the Week is Myself 😀. Maybe I might inspire even one person.

My 3 Favourite Quotes 💙

  1. “I want to do the things that I love to do.” — Tarak Ram
  2. “I CAN is always greater than IQ.” — Robin Sharma
  3. “Happiness is a choice.” — Unknown

About Me

Tarak Ram is someone trying to live the life he dreamed of. I’ll be sharing all my lessons, thoughts, and experiences here.

The only request I have: If this newsletter is helpful to you and you are learning something from it, please share it with your friends and family. I genuinely put a lot of effort into this 😊

If you have anything to say personally, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or Instagram—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for reading 🙏 this far. If you found it helpful, share it with your friends and ask them to subscribe :)

Remember, take care of your health.

Okay then, see ya later, my friend.

Tarak Ram