After a Long Time I'm Back :)

Tarak Ram

February 3, 2025

Hey Friends,

How are you? It’s been more than four months since I didn’t write any newsletter. I thought maybe no one cared, but I was wrong. People are still interested in reading my newsletter, and they really enjoy it!

So, I decided to write again. Although my domain got expired and I lost access to my account, after a lot of tickets and complaints, I finally got my account back. Yay! 🎉

Thanks for reading :)

What happened in these 4 months?

A lot—ups, downs, bold decisions, confusion, frustration, and the loss of a friend.


2024 was the year where I had a great start but a very bad ending. 2025 started badly, and I was hoping for a great ending.

I lost one of my closest friends and my favorite teacher, and my mind still struggles to accept reality. It took me a lot of time to get back. For almost a week, I didn’t sleep properly and had a hard time.

Even though I was smiling at others, I still remember so many times in a day. I don’t want to talk much about that…

Last year, I was mainly focused on work. Other than that, I didn’t care much about my health or relationships with others. But after my friend’s loss, I’ve started giving more priority to the people I care about and my health. (I’m still figuring it out, but I’m committed to making it work) no matter what.

I’m not thinking too much about what happens if things don’t work or if I fail. I have confidence in my skills and network, and I believe I can easily make 2-3 lakh a month.

If you’ve known me before, then you’ll see a different Tarak in 2025.


When it comes to work, we’re doing pretty fine. One word to describe it: exponential. People don’t see the growth for quite a long time, but once you get momentum, they call it luck.

I’ve shifted to Bangalore mainly because of the people and the mindset, even though I didn’t like the city or the food here. You have to make sacrifices if you want something.

This year, I’ve decided not to work too much; I just want to apply the 80:20 rule.


At the beginning of my diary, I wrote:

“2024 is the best year of my life.”

Yes, It was.

  • I’ve read more than 35+ Books.
  • I’ve started a habit of writing a diary (one of the best things that you can do for yourself).
  • I’ve done 24 Podcasts (Technically, now I’m in the top 1% of podcasters in the world because most of them never finish 20+ podcasts).
  • I felt I was doing what I loved.
  • Started an Offline Business and scaled ~2L in Revenue.
  • Shut down my Agency and Freelance work.
  • I believe I had spent a great time with my family & friends.
  • I cried after 5 ½ years.
  • I spent the whole night chilling and roaming on bikes.
  • I improved a lot in terms of communication and confidence.
  • More than anything, I was at peace and happy and did not think much about the future.

I’d love to hear what you did in 2024. If you have time, share your story. I’m really excited to read and listen to your words.

Your Life:

If you calculate statistically, I think we’re gonna live around 70 years, and the first 20 years will be gone for education and enjoyment, and the last 15 years, you won’t really have the energy to do something great. So, you have 35 years left.

Do you really want to live someone else’s life? Or do you want to do what you really love and enjoy?

To be honest, I’m not talking about the outcome or the result because it depends on person to person.

You only have 35 years left to do something.

See, no matter what you do, you’re gonna die at the end of the day. If we are very positive, then we’re gonna live like 70 years; if we are unfortunate, then we may die even way before.

Do you think that the world is going to remember you, or the people?

See, I saw from my personal experience when my friend died. I was surprised that all the people in my village were just normal, and everything was the same as before.

One of the hardest lessons that I’ve learned is that no one is going to remember you, so do something that you really love, and don’t try to please others.

It’s your life, and fulfill your dreams, not others’.

For me personally, when I see it this way, I get more clarity in my life on what I want to achieve than any book that I’ve read.

And, of course, never forget to enjoy your life because:

“Today is the youngest you’ll ever be.”

I thought to write a lot about business and my thinking, but it ended up this way… but okay… maybe I will write them in my blogs. Do check out

Question for you 🫵

What’s the one thing that you would do if you were not afraid of losing?

Podcast 🎙️

This is the one video that you need to watch if you think that your life is hard:

Click here to watch

If you enjoy these podcasts, give them a like and subscribe. One thing I can promise is that whatever I get, I’ll invest in making it the best.

Favourite Quotes 💙

“Choose your life’s mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery.”

“Life is too short to worry about the things that you didn’t have; enjoy what you have.”

“Happiness is a choice. You can decide.”

I feel I’m special, and you are, too. We all are here to make this world a beautiful place.

If you have anything to say personally, you can reach out to me personally.

Thanks for reading 🙏

If you found it helpful, share it with your friends and ask them to subscribe :)

Always enjoy what you are doing!!
